Enlist the Microwave for Easy Corn on the Cob - Say Bye Bye to Silk!
Corn on the Cob is so easy to make, but I always hate peeling back the husks to reveal tons of corn silk still stuck to the cob. This simple hack requires only a microwave, and it works perfectly every time! Simply follow the directions below for some scrumptious corn that you can eat right out of the husk with some butter, or try throwing it on the BBQ and brushing it with butter for even more decadence! You’ll never go back once you try this!

Author: The Chef
Cuisine: American
Recipe type: Main dish
- Corn on the cob, fully in the husk
- Microwave-safe plate
- Oven mitt or kitchen towel
- Feel free to trim the fuzzy end of corn, however leave the corn with the husks intact as much as possible.
- Place the corn on a microwave-safe plate and microwave for 2 minutes per corn on the cob, (ie, if you have 2 cobs, microwave time will be 4 minutes; if you have 3 cobs, microwave time will be 6 minutes; and so on).
- Once the microwave time has elapsed, let the corn sit in the husks for 5 or so minutes. Be very careful - the corn will be very hot once done in the microwave.
- Once the corn has sat for a few minutes, cut about an inch from the end of the corn with a stub (do not cut the end with the silk showing).
- Carefully (it might still be hot - if so use an oven mitt or kitchen towel), grab the end of the corn with the silk and pull it away.
- Enjoy your delicious corn on the cob with no silk! Serve with a pat of butter, or pop on the BBQ and baste generously with melted butter until slightly charred.