Gently wilt the spinach in a wok or large frying pan on a low heat.
Stir in the nutmeg and season with salt and pepper.
Allow the spinach to cool slightly, then add the spinach to a mixing bowl, discarding as much of the juices as possible.
Stir in the ricotta, parmesan, and egg until everything is combined.
Soak the lasagne sheets in cold water for 30 seconds prior to use, then spoon 1-2 tablespoons of the spinach mixture onto the lower edge of a lasagna sheet.
Roll the sheet up once to create a cannelloni tube, then slice it off with a knife.
Roll up the other half of the lasagna sheet with more spinach mixture
Place the cannelloni tubes into a long casserole dish.
Sprinkle some basil leaves on top.
Pour on the pasta sauce.
Sprinkle the grated mozzarella on top.
Bake on the bottom shelf of the oven for 30-35 minutes until the cheese is bubbly. If it browns too fast, simply cover it.
Recipe by Cooking TV Recipes at